Songs of Memory - Book

Songs of MemoryKarenKaren preview pageHmongHmong preview pageMienMien preview pageLahuLahu preview pageAkhaAkha preview pageLisuLisu preview pageGallerry pageArchive page

Songs of Memory Book Cover Karen Open Hmong Open Mien Open Lahu Open Akha Open Lisu Open Open Open

High in the mountains of the Golden Triangle, where Thailand, Laos, China and Myanmar once knew no boundaries, lives a diverse multiplicity of traditional peoples. Prominent among them are the Karen, Hmong, Mien, Lahu, Akha, and Lisu, six distinct groups who have maintained their independence and identity to a high degree.

Songs of Memory explores the cultural and musical foundation of each of these groups and the vital role music has played throughout the centuries. Richly illustrated with over 400 archival images and field photographs of musicians and ceremonies rarely witnessed, the book specially highlights the vast range of musical instruments that animate daily and sacred life.

All images and information copyright © 2011 Victoria Vorreiter. All rights reserved.